It was quite a long trip--nearly a fortnight I stayed with my in-laws in Lucknow. As my parents also originally hail from the same City, it's always nice to catch up with cousins and relatives.
As the train pulled in at the grand Lucknow railway station, it was again a wave of nostalgic hitting me. Though it was early morning, the streets were already chock a bloc with crowd and almost all forms of transport ranging from the notorious Vikram three-wheelers to the Cycle-rickshaws and tongas.
Despite this cacophony Lucknow is a special city that is known for its monuments and a refined culture. We spent quite a lot of time on socialising and visiting historical places as well. The weather was far from good and the power cuts added to discomfort.
Still, we did enjoy our trip. Of course, there was Bismillah ceremony. Aleena repeated the Arabic sura with ease and elan. At the ancestral home in Kakori, we celebrated Eid with my parents-in-law. My husband made the best use of holidays.
He slept a lot, read and spent the rest of the time in seeing places. Now we are back to Bhopal, leaving the hot weather behind. I have realised that the best part of the year to visit Lucknow is from October till February. Rest of the year, it's humid and sweltering hot.