Saturday, November 11, 2006

Aleena Has A Walker Now !

We bought a walker for Aleena. When we first made her sit in it, she seemed to be scared may be because she found some thing new,she tried to look at every part of it and examine it keenly. Then after sometime she realised she can move with the help of it.Then the joy on her face when she made a first move is unforgetable for me. She was infact screaming with joy and was very happy. I am still unable to forget that face of hers - that joyfull beaming face.

Actually, as I am alone to take care of her and I have to do the rest of the work as well, and now since Aleena has started crawling she would go anywhere, try put any thing in her mouth so it was becoming difficult for me to manage. Even to go to bathroom I had to think twice because I was scared to leave her. So we decided to get her a walker through which she can move and may be it is less risky(thats what I thought). At the same time she also wanted attention all the time the moment I leave her alone she would start crying.

So, now she just comes after me, wherever I go she comes and stands by my side holding my kurta. She has the satisfaction that she is around me and at the same time I am not scared all the time that she would put any thing in her mouth in my absence. And ofcourse, she is enjoying walking with it.

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